Showing 13–24 of 41 results

Emesto Prime/ एमेस्टो प्राइम

750.00 incl. Tax
Technical Name: Penflufen 240 FS Shor Description: It is active against number of seed and soil borne pathogens. Click here


250.00 incl. Tax
Technical Name: Ethephon 39 SL (39% w/w) Shor Description: Ethrel is plant growth regulator with systemic properties. It penetrates into

Fenos Quick/फेनोस क्विक

Technical Name: Flubendiamide 90 + Deltamethrin 60 SC (8.33% w/w + 5.56% w/w) Short Description: Fenos Quick provides affordable modern


150.00280.00 incl. Tax
Short Description: For control of Trianthema mongyna, Digitaria arvensis, Echinocloa spp. Elusine spp., Xanthium Strumarium, Brachiaria sp, Digitaria sp., Amaranthus


300.00 incl. Tax
Technical Name: Imidacloprid 600 FS (48% w/w) Short Description: It provides protection to the crop against highly damaging sucking pests


280.001,350.00 incl. Tax
Technical Name: Fluopicolide 5.56% w/w + Propamocarb Hydrochloride 55.6% w/w SC Short Description: Complete and even distribution on the leaves,


450.00 incl. Tax
Technical Name: Fipronil 80 WG (80% w/w) Short Description: Innovative Formulation (Fluid bed technology)-Ease in handling, measuring and dosing. It


900.001,600.00 incl. Tax
FOOST के साथ

Luna Experience/लूना एक्सपीरियंस

1,600.00 incl. Tax
Technical Name: Fluopyram 17.7%+ Tebuconazole17.7% w/w SC (400 SC) Short Description: Exceptional Efficacy – Proven in exhaustive field trials to

MAIZE DKC 8181/मक्का डीकेसी 8181

Dekalb 8181 is a hybrid maize seed from Bayer Company. It is a medium ripening seed and gives high yield

Movento Energy/मोवेंटो एनर्जी

450.00 incl. Tax
Technical Name:  Spirotetramat 11.01% + Imidacloprid 11.01% w/w SC (240 SC Short Description:  It offers a truly unique two-way systemic