Showing 1–12 of 50 results

BIO JODI/ बायो जोड़ी

205.00380.00 incl. Tax
Multiplex Bio-Jodi controls rice blast and sheath blight of paddy, early and late blight of Tomato Chilli and Potato, Bio-Jodi


Original price was: ₹165.00.Current price is: ₹100.00. incl. Tax
Systemic fungicide with a protective and curative action. It is absorbed through the leaves, stems, and roots. Can controls diseases


Original price was: ₹824.00.Current price is: ₹610.00. incl. Tax
Technical :Fluxapyroxad 250 G/L + Pyraclostrobin 250 G/L Broad spectrum disease control Faster & longer duration control Enjoy its AgCelence® benefit:

RELAXYL GOLD / रिलैक्सिल गोल्ड

Original price was: ₹135.00.Current price is: ₹100.00. incl. Tax
Metalaxyl 35% is a systemic fungicide that protects crops from fungal diseases:


700.001,350.00 incl. Tax
Technical Name : Dimethomorph 9%WG Short description : * It is used for treating downy mildew and Late blight caused

Amistar Top/ एमिस्टार टॉप

Original price was: ₹729.00.Current price is: ₹620.00. incl. Tax
Technical Name: Azoxystrobin 18.2% + Difenoconazole 11.4% SC Short Description: For the control of a range of fungal diseases in


90.00680.00 incl. Tax
Technical Name:Propineb 70% WP Short Description :A contact fungicide with protective action, wettable powder formulation to control fungal diseases on


130.001,050.00 incl. Tax
Technical Name: Zineb 68% + Hexaconazol 4% WP Short Description: Gives excellent control of Ascomycetes, Basidiomycetes and Deutromycetes. Best molecule


90.00640.00 incl. Tax
Technical Name: Carbendazim 50% WP Short Description: Bavistin is a systemic fungicide which controls disease at every growing point of

Blue Copper/ब्लू कॉपर

Original price was: ₹725.00.Current price is: ₹400.00. incl. Tax
Technical Name :Copper oxychloride 50% w/w Blue copper is a copper based broad spectrum fungicide which controls the fungal as

Cabrio Top/कैब्रियो टॉप

750.001,300.00 incl. Tax
Technical Name:Metiram55%+ pyraclostrobin5% WG. Short Description:It improves the quality and yield of your crop with its superior disease control. With