Showing 13–24 of 82 results


80.00320.00 incl. Tax
Atari is a triazine group herbicide which is used before and after weed growth. Atari is recommended for pre-emergence application

Authority Nxt/अथॉरिटी एनएक्सटी

3,500.00 incl. Tax
Short Description: This is for effective control of broad leaf and grassy weeds in Sugarcane and Soybean. Click here for


200.00 incl. Tax


950.00 incl. Tax
Technical Name: Bentazone48% SL Short Description: Get rid of sedges and broad leaf weeds in your rice field with Basagran.


425.00 incl. Tax
Technical Name: Gulfosinte-ammonium 13.5%WW SL Short Description: It exhibits better efficacy against certain hard-to kill weed species. Click here for

Brake-Up/ब्रेक अप

200.00250.00 incl. Tax
Technical Name: GLYPHOSATE 41% SL

Calaris Xtra/कैलारिस एक्स्ट्रा

1,000.001,850.00 incl. Tax
Short Description: Effective control of weeds to help the crop to get right nutrient without competition of weeds. Click here

COREON/ कोरोन

850.00 incl. Tax
  कोरोन खरपतवार नियंत्रण शाक कोरियन एक व्यापक स्पेक्ट्रम पूर्व-उद्भव खर-पतवारनाशक है तथा यह प्रत्यारोपित चावल में प्रमुख घास, चौड़ी


860.00 incl. Tax
Technical Name: Penoxsulam 0.97%+ Butachlor 38.8% SE Short Description: It is broad spectrum pre-emergence herbicide and controls key grass, broadleaf and

Council activ/कौंसिल एक्टिव

Technical Name: Triafamone 20% + Ethoxysulfuron 10% WG Short Description: it is the latest post emergent Rice herbicide that offers


200.00 incl. Tax
Technical Name: Clodinafop -Propargyl 15% WP Short Description: Dynofop is a selective, post-emergent herbicide of the Aryloxyphenoxy propionate group, which